One Player for All Audio Formats
This app can play audio files in various formats in your browser. Audio formats that can not be played directly in the browser will play through the embeded decoder in the app. You can play and listen to various audio formats directly without conversion through the server.
It's very easy to use. You can control your playback like Play, Pause, Volume, Playlist and all common controls in any audio player.
Supported Formats: aac,ac3,aiff,aif,amr,ape,au,flac,m4a,mka,mp3,mpc,ogg,ra,rm,wv,wav,wave
Note: Large files that require a lot of memory to decode can cause browser crashes.
100M size limit per a file (decoder). Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.

Playlist Shortcuts [?]  
2025, ⓒ One Player for All Audio Formats